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Uke | Startdato | Sluttdato | Frist | Sted | Språk | |
På forespørsel | - | - | Bergen, Hordaland | Norsk |
Uke: |
Startdato: På forespørsel |
Sluttdato: - |
Frist: - |
Sted: Bergen, Hordaland |
Sted: Bergen, Hordaland |
Språk: Norsk |
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Month 1 - 12 at PFTC, Hollywood, USA:
You spend the first 12 months of our program at PFTC in Florida USA where you complete much of the JAR-FCL and all of the FAA groundschool and flight training. Included in the course price are:
- 150 Hours FAA groundschool
- 216 Hours JAR-FCL groundschool
- 770 Hours JAA-FCL theory and Computer Based Training
- 082 Hours one to one ground instruction (Briefings)
- 82 Hours one to one ground instruction (Briefings)
- 199 Hours Flight Instruction
- 271,5 Flight hours flying C-152, C-172, C172RG and PA-44 Multiengine.
- Books / Charts / Equipment
- FAA Computer Exams
- 12 Months of housing e.g. Windsor
Month 12 - 24 in the USA:
After you complete your initial training at PFTC the J-1 Visa allows you to have a paid job as a Certified Flight Instructor. PFTC have educated Scandinavians to be Certified Flight Instructors since 1985 and have an excellent reputation among other american flight schools. PFTC are thus able to assist you in getting a job as instructor. We can not guarrantee a job, but so far all students have succeded in getting a CFI position.
- Assisted to get CFI Job
- Earn a salary providing for living costs
- Gain valuable experience needed to get pilot job uppon graduation
- Our most dedicated students get as much as 1500 flight hours
- Complete JAA ATPL Theory syllabus by online CBT
Month 24 - 36 in Norway:
After 24 months you return to Norway to complete the program at NEAR main base Ålesund Airport Vigra. You will spend a total of 8 weeks at NEAR, Vigra + two weeks of N-CAA Theory exams over a period of 6 - 12 months. Included in the price are:
- 92,5 Hours of JAR-FCL Classroom tutoring and Tests
- 25 Hours of MCC Classroom Training
- 20 Hours of Beechcraft B200 KingAir Simulator MCC Flight Training
- 5 Hours of Piper Seneca V Simulator MEP/IR Flight Training
- 5 Hours of C-210 Simulator IR Flight Training
- 5 Hours of Multi Engine Piston Airplane IR Flight Training
- 7,5 Hours of MCC one to one Ground Instruction (Briefings)
- 10 Hours of MEP/IR one to one Ground Instruction (Briefings)
- 8 Weeks of housing at our the NEAR Student Lodging House
- Books / Charts / Equipment
Completing the program you are a professional pilot
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